We provide a secure environment, with parking for Moorer's vehicles. Electricity is available to each berth and the site facilities include water, rubbish disposal, elsan and composting.
We offer Gas, Diesel, Coal, water, elsan and composting service to visiting boats. Along with Boat mail and storage.
These Are Our Latest Prices for supplies of Gas, Coal and Diesel
they are Subject to change, so please check by contacting us.
£ 45 .00
/ inc VAT- 13kg Propane Refil
- Collection Only
- We have other sizes in stock
- (Empty Bottle required for exchange)
£ 1 .38
/ inc VAT- Red Diesel (non propulsion)
- Not to be used as road fuel
- or as fuel for any other engine, motoror machinery
- (Propulsion £1.88 inc VAT)
£ 15 .00
/ inc VAT- 20kg Excel Bag
- Collection only
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